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Complete list of Sales, Sales Management, and Customer Service Books and eBooks
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The following Books and eBooks are available for your Kindle and B&N Nook. Paperback books are available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books A Million (BAM), and other book retailers around the world.

Prices range from $0.99 for short ebooks to $19.95 for paperback books.

*Amazon Top 100 Best Seller

Diagnostic Sales Skills and Sales Team Infrastructure
Objection Free Selling: How to Prevent, Preempt, and Respond to Every Sales Objection You Get*
Strategic Sales Plan: Why Sales Fail and How Wins are Won*
Peer-to-Peer Sales Coaching* (also in Sales Management eBooks)
Basic Sales Skills
Profile and Qualify Sales Prospects*
Key Decision Maker Roles*
Trust & Rapport Building (also customer service ebook)
Research Prospect & Competitor
Competitor Analysis
Features - Advantages - Benefits*
Benefit Questions Create Attitude*
Closing Strategies of the Masters*
Advanced Sales Skills
Value Selling Strategies P.R.O.S.P.E.C.T. Model*
Negotiating Value: The Sales Professionals Guide
Block the Competition - Competitor Proof
Original book that put the company on the map
Psychology for Successful Selling (Hardback book, Branden Publishing Co.,1988 - out of print) The Application of Psychology to the Profession of Selling - the book that put the company on the map.


Sales Prospecting Series
The Hunt: Prospecting for New Business
The Hunt is a compilation of the individual prospecting ebooks listed below:
Profile and Qualify Sales Prospects*
Key Decision Maker Roles*
Research Prospect & Competitor
Telephone Cold Call with Voice Mail Strategy*
Email Prospecting*
Networking Contact Strategy*
Asking for Referrals*
Funnel Management*
Ratio Management*
Time & Territory Management
Sales Management Skills eBooks
Reseller Strategy*
Career Path for Sales Professionals
Interviewing and Hiring Sales Professionals
Sales Professionals' Performance Appraisal 
Sales Coach
Peer-to-Peer Sales Coaching*
Curbside Sales Coaching
Creating and Leading a Motivating Sales Culture
Effective Meeting Planning and Facilitating
Customer Service Excellence eBooks
Leave a Legacy of Legendary Customer Service - compilation of the ebooks below. eBook and Paperback editions available.
Create Attitudes Instantly (new release, also a sales book)
Telephone Etiquette for Business*
Email Etiquette for Business
Trust & Rapport Building (also sales ebook)
Active Listening Skills for Business*
Problem Solving Model for Business*
Defusing Customer Anger*
Managing Customer Expectations*
Creating Customer Loyalty
Stress Control at Work
Goal Setting for Success* (also sales ebook)
*Amazon Top 100 Best Seller

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